We attach great importance to making the entire world of work completely independent and free. It is for this reason that Profexia is the first platform that allows both companies to search for profiles and candidates to search for missions.
Trust is the basis of the service we offer by fully meeting your needs and expectations. To answer this, we have developed our own Matching tool with a precise and powerful algorithm that is based on different important criteria in your searches to give you relevant results.
Matching is carried out on the basis of the importance of the selected criteria of each. A company can carry out its Matching on functions, skills, experience, soft skills, assets, languages, spleen or salary … A candidate can carry out his Matching on the functions, the skills, the type of contract, the duration of the mission, the working time, the size of the company, the location …
When a company creates a new assignment from its account, it can determine the level of importance it places on each criterion encoded in its mission. This will allow our Matching solution to determine the corresponding percentage between a profile and the proposed mission.
The company also receives a report with the results of the Matching per candidate. This allows him to analyze the results in a relevant and objective way.